Новий акаунт реєстрації

Registration Code

If you have an ILIAS registration code, you can enter it now.

Дата логіна

Allowed chars: A-Z a-z 0-9 _.+?#-*@!$%~/:;
The password must have at least a size of 8 characters.
The password must contain characters and numbers.

Особиста інформація

Контактна Інформація

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Угода Користувача

User Agreement

I agree that LAPP Service GmbH is permitted to forward my above entered data as well as the data generated from the learning process to my employer for the purpose of documentation of my educational achievements.  Furthermore the LAPP Service GmbH is allowed to analyse my data in an anonymous form for success control and is able to forward the result to my employer. A transfer of your personal data outside the previously named situation will not be made. I can revoke my consent at any time with effect for the future by sending a corresponding notification to LAPP Service GmbH, Oskar Lapp Str. 2, 70565 Stuttgart - datenschutz.lappservice@lappgroup.com

General information about data protection

We are pleased about your interest in our learning platform. Protecting your privacy is very important to us. The following lines will inform you about the handling with your data.

Collection, processing and use of personal data.

Your visit to our learning platform will be logged. Your current PC's IP address, date and time, browser type and your PC's operating system along with the pages you have viewed are registered. A personal identification without a registration is generally impossible, and is not intended. The following information about you is available if you have logged in via the login page with your personal data: 

  •  User-ID
  •  First Name
  •  Surname
  • Gender
  •  Company name or company name of a Lapp partner
  •  Department
  •  Country
  •  as well as the appropriate learning level

These data are only used to fulfil the learning objectives.

Usage and transfer of your data

The personal data you provide to us via this learning platform (e.g. your name, your company, your learning level), will only be used to fulfil and document your learning objective, as well as for the purpose for which you provided us the data.   
The information collected on this website will be forwarded to the appropriate department within our or your company, who put us in charge. We assure that we will not transfer your personal data to third parties, unless we are legally obliged to do so, or if you have given us your prior agreement. As far as we cooperate with service providers in terms of procedures and handling of data processing, the contract complies with the rules of the corresponding laws.

Agreement and Revocation

We use your provided data primarily for order processing. If necessary, we will transfer your data to other companies, e.g. to your employer, on whose instruction you are working on this platform. These companies may use your data only for the purpose of the fulfilment of the employment contract and not for other purposes. If you have provided us with personal data, you can request that we delete this data at any time. Any data for documentation, invoicing and bookkeeping purposes are not affected from a cancellation, revocation or a deletion. 

General legal information

The processing of data which we will get via our learning platform takes place on servers in Germany. 
Should you no longer agree to the storage of your personal data or should they become inaccurate, we shall arrange for the deletion or blocking of your data on the basis of a corresponding instruction or we make the necessary corrections (as far as this is possible according to applicable law). On request, you will receive free information about all personal data that have been stored about you.   
We manage our business in such a manner that is applicable to German law. German law applies. All information contained in this learning platform has been carefully checked. However, we do not guarantee that the content on our learning platform is correct, complete and up-to-date at all times.

Information about data security

We protect our website and other systems against loss, damage, access, alteration or circulation of your data by unauthorised people by implementing technical and organisational action. In spite of constant control, however there is no guarantee for a complete protection from any risks.

Use of cookies

We use cookies on our learning platform to make the visit of our platform more attractive and effective and enable you as well to use certain functions. Cookies are little text files that are stored on your computer. Most of the cookies we use will be deleted from your hard drive after the end of the browser session (so called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your computer and enable us to recognize your computer during your next visit (so-called permanent cookies). These cookies enable the resume functionality of learning modules. That means, when calling the learning module again by a user, ILIAS calls up the page last accessed by the user. Our partner companies are not allowed to collect, process or use personal data by cookies via our learning platform.

Right of access

Due to the Federal data protection law, you have the right to get free information about your stored data at any time, as well as the right to correct, block or delete these data.

Contact person for data protection

If you have questions concerning the collection, processing, and use of your personal data, as well as information, correction, blocking or deletion of data, please contact: datenschutzbeauftragter@lappgroup.com. Please contact our data protection officer for an objection or revocation: datenschutzbeauftragter@lappgroup.com
* Потрібний